I think your arrangements are gorgeous. They are truly beautiful and also not too hard to play. Not trying to be sycophantic here! Just wanted to let you know I think you do a great job! " --Somerset Harp Festival attendee
"I wanted to say hello and to tell you how much I am enjoying the Harper's Escape collection. I finally found time to go through the CD and music for the "Another 10 years" and can't wait to get the the other CD, so I can go through the first 10 years. You guys did a great job of putting this together, and it is one of the few collections of traditional music that has both the recording and the sheet music. So it works for me and the other sheet music dependent." --1995 Escapee Jeri
"I've really enjoyed listening to the "Another 10 Years" CD -- and Annie says that the first one is good too, so decided to get that one too ! Now all i need is more time to play…" --Leslie
“Had to tell you -- what terrific work you did for this book and CD - so nice to have the tunes all in one place. Thank you so much for doing that for us!”
--Escapee Pat S.
“must be neat, to look at the book and realize how much work and joy and music and memories it represents!”
--Annie V.
“ Thanks you for producing (yet again) a fabulous book of tunes and CDs!!! You all have become very special friends in my life....
--Escapee Cathy S.
The Harpers' Escape is produced by You Gotta Have Harp Productions, 11 Country Lane, Voorhees, NJ 08043. Phone: 856-795-7637.
Harpers' Escape Play-Along Tunes
Harpers' Escape Play-Along on Zoom!
Join Grainne Hambly, Billy Jackson, Debbie Brewin-Wilson and Kathy DeAngelo on Mondays at 4pm ET for their Zoom Play-Along of the Harpers' Escape repertoire using the Escape books. We send out the Playlist on Thursday.If you want to get in our googlegroup, email Kathy to get on the mailing list. It's a lot of fun!
List of Every Tune We've Taught at the Escape
& Which Book They're In!
Book 1=Ten Years of Tunes; Book 2=Another Ten Years of Tunes, Book 3=The Parting Glass. Book 4=The Somerset Escapes (2017-2021). Nothing in the Book # field? That means it wasn't included in the printed/PDF edition. NEW! Tunes from 2017-2024 are from the Somerset Harlapers' Escapes, which are PDFs and only available to email members of the Harpers' Escape Play-Along. DOWNLOAD THE LIST
If you click on the Search field in the spreadsheet you'll get the option to download a spreadsheet copy.